Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to Flirt With a Girl during Chat

Chat tools have been a lifesaver for many an online dater. Most online dating sites offer users the chance to IM (Instant Message) each other. IM-ing is one of the very first steps in initiating a relationship online and done right, can often leave you the proud possessor of a phone number and an invitation to call. You can have Chat erotiche online on the dating website. Of course, you can also flub fantastically and get blocked forever but let’s think positive! Besides, the following tips will ensure that come off sounding like her dream man.

The very first rule in successfully flirting online is to devote your complete attention to the task at hand. Do not think you can successfully manage multiple lovers and IM windows. Women are not stupid and consistent long pauses in a conversation will leave her feeling slighted and hurt. Even if you are some kind of multi-taking wonder, having multiple conversations will often cause you to miss key cues in your lovers’ messages which can seriously affect the future of the connection. Rather, choose the woman you most wish to date and focus your entire attention on successfully wooing her.

Next, take the time to study a woman’s profile in detail before sending her an IM request. Make sure you know what her likes and dislikes are, as well as her hobbies, interests and pet peeves. If you have something in common then well and good, otherwise spend some time reading up on her interests. Don’t be shy to convey that fact to her either. Most women will be flattered to know that you took so much time over them.

Be polite and respectful in your initial email. Most women will not flirt with a guy unless they believe there is a chance for an actual relationship with him. She needs to know that you are not some stalker or nut case (a real danger with online dating) so take the time to introduce yourself properly. Do not use any sexual innuendos, not in this first email.

Finally, once she has accepted your request, initiate your chat with a simple greeting and a thank you. Be courteous without going overboard. Make your attraction clear by complimenting her on her looks but keep it low-key so that she isn’t frightened off. Emoticons are your friends in this since you can convey so much through them. Once you start knowing each other and dating each other you can go further have Chat erotiche with them.

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